Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Many things will still work, but your experience will be degraded and some things won't function. Please use a modern browser such as Edge, Chrome, or Firefox.
{ "Name": "ReleaseLegacy6", "Color": "#faece5", "Description": "Used by ProGet 6.0 and 5.0", "Stages": [ { "Name": "Build", "Description": "", "TargetExecutionMode": "Sequential", "Targets": [ { "ScriptId": "Build-Legacy6", "EnvironmentName": "Build", "ServerNames": [], "ServerRoleNames": [ "windows-build" ], "DefaultServerContext": 4 }, { "ScriptId": "Build-DockerImage6", "EnvironmentName": "Build", "ServerNames": [ "linuxbldsv1" ], "ServerRoleNames": [], "DefaultServerContext": 1 } ], "Gate": { "UserApprovals": [], "GroupApprovals": [], "DeploymentWindows": [], "AutomatedChecks": { "Issues": { "Statuses": [] } }, "AutomaticApprovals": [] }, "AutoPromote": true, "AllowMultipleActiveBuilds": false, "Variables": {} }, { "Name": "Integration", "Description": "", "Targets": [ { "ScriptId": "global::InedoProduct-Deploy-CI7", "EnvironmentName": "Integration", "ServerNames": [ "inedointsv1" ], "ServerRoleNames": [], "DefaultServerContext": 1 }, { "ScriptId": "global::InedoProduct-Deploy-Docker-CI7", "EnvironmentName": "Integration", "ServerNames": [ "linuxintsv1" ], "ServerRoleNames": [], "DefaultServerContext": 1 } ], "Gate": { "UserApprovals": [], "GroupApprovals": [], "DeploymentWindows": [], "AutomatedChecks": { "Issues": { "Statuses": [] } }, "AutomaticApprovals": [] }, "AllowMultipleActiveBuilds": true, "Variables": {} }, { "Name": "Beta", "Description": "", "Targets": [ { "ScriptId": "global::InedoProduct-Deploy-Beta7", "EnvironmentName": "Beta", "ServerNames": [ "localhost" ], "ServerRoleNames": [], "DefaultServerContext": 1 } ], "Gate": { "UserApprovals": [], "GroupApprovals": [], "DeploymentWindows": [], "AutomatedChecks": { "Issues": { "Statuses": [] } }, "AutomaticApprovals": [] }, "Variables": {} }, { "Name": "Release", "Description": "", "Targets": [ { "ScriptId": "global::InedoProduct-Deploy-Release7", "EnvironmentName": "Release", "ServerNames": [], "ServerRoleNames": [ "windows-build" ], "DefaultServerContext": 4 } ], "Gate": { "UserApprovals": [], "GroupApprovals": [], "DeploymentWindows": [], "AutomatedChecks": { "Issues": { "Closed": true, "Statuses": [] }, "Variables": "$UnstableDependencies=none", "HasAutomatedChecks": true }, "AutomaticApprovals": [] }, "Variables": {} } ], "Variables": {}, "TemplateVariables": [], "EventListeners": [ { "Event": 5, "PipelineStageNames": [], "Type": "DeployReleaseEventListener" }, { "Event": 5, "PipelineStageNames": [], "Type": "CreateReleaseEventListener" } ] }