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ExecutionBuildPipeline (Stage)BranchExecution Time
6/3/2019 2:56:36 PM1.1.1 #46/3/2019global::InedoExtension (Release)0min, 3.96s
6/3/2019 2:55:10 PM1.1.1 #46/3/2019global::InedoExtension (Testing)0min, 1.64s
6/3/2019 2:50:46 PM1.1.1 #46/3/2019global::InedoExtension (Build)1min, 44.28s
12/20/2018 12:23:32 PM1.1.0 #312/20/2018global::InedoExtension (Release)0min, 3.35s
12/20/2018 12:23:27 PM1.1.0 #312/20/2018global::InedoExtension (Testing)0min, 0.31s
12/20/2018 12:19:36 PM1.1.0 #312/20/2018global::InedoExtension (Build)0min, 11.24s