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Pipeline Details

DescriptionBuilds an application from a main or release branch, deploys it to an Integration stage, then a Test, and finally a Production stage.
Last Modified12/13/2023 5:51:50 PM by rhessinger@inedo.local

Variables & Prompts

There are no variable prompts defined.

Event Listeners

Tag Release in GitWhen build Completes Pipeline
Set status to DeployedWhen build Completes Pipeline
Create New ReleaseWhen build Completes Pipeline

Pipeline Stages

Build Stage

Stage Requirements (Checks & Approval Gates)

There are no requirements to enter this stage.

Deployment Targets

Build to winbuildsv1 (in Build)
Automatically promote to the next stage after a successful deployment.

Testing Stage

Stage Requirements (Checks & Approval Gates)

There are no requirements to enter this stage.

Deployment Targets

Deploy to xinedotestsv1 (in Testing)
Manually promote to the next stage after a successful deployment.

Production Stage

Stage Requirements (Checks & Approval Gates)

Deployment Targets

Deploy to (in Production)