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ExecutionBuildPipeline (Stage)BranchExecution Time
11/23/2021 11:13:29 AM1.21.5 #111/23/2021Release (Integration)0min, 3.14s
11/23/2021 11:11:45 AM1.21.5 #111/23/2021Release (Integration)0min, 2.80s
11/23/2021 11:11:25 AM1.21.5 #111/23/2021Release (Build)0min, 5.21s
11/23/2021 11:08:25 AM1.21.4 #311/23/2021Release (Integration)0min, 2.91s
11/23/2021 11:05:46 AM1.21.4 #311/23/2021Release (Integration)0min, 2.56s
11/23/2021 11:03:49 AM1.21.4 #311/23/2021Release (Integration)0min, 2.87s
11/23/2021 11:03:39 AM1.21.4 #311/23/2021Release (Build)0min, 4.98s