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Change Script Details

Modified9/28/2023 6:52:00 PM by cys-josh

Script Text

--AH:ScriptId=2bc41f28-858f-4e55-a7ae-e2023c70d638;75 UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Introduce yourself and get to know the community.' WHERE [Name] = 'Newbie Central' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you''d like.' WHERE [Name] = 'The Lounge' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Keep up with the latest contests and find out what''s been changing with the site.' WHERE [Name] = 'News & Updates' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you''re playing out there?' WHERE [Name] = 'The Parlor Room' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Take part in collaborative works, share your short stories, poems, original artwork and more.' WHERE [Name] = 'Creative Corner' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Find proofreaders here, useful resources, and share opinions and advice on story crafting.' WHERE [Name] = 'Writing Workshop' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Did you know books used to be made from trees? Dust off a seat and discuss your reading escapades do read, right?' WHERE [Name] = 'Reading Corner' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Get help from the experts on variables, scripts, items, and other scary things.' WHERE [Name] = 'Advanced Editor Forum' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.' WHERE [Name] = 'Feature Wishing Well' GO UPDATE [MyAdventureGame].[dbo].[Forums_Forums] SET [Description] = 'Post reports about problems or bugs in here.' WHERE [Name] = 'Bugs & Problems' GO