AdminEdit_PurgeArtifact Purges an artifact from the specified build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Artifact_Name (String) | none |
AdminEdit_PurgeBuild Purges an entire build and all associated data from the system. |
| Build_Id (Int32) | none |
AdminEdit_UpdateBuildStatus Updates the status of a build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) BuildStatus_Name (String) | none |
AdminEdit_UpdateExecutionStatus Updates the status of an execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) ExecutionStatus_Code (String) | none |
AdminEdit_UpdatePromotionStatus Updates the status of a promotion. |
| Promotion_Id (Int32) PromotionStatus_Name (String) | none |
AdminEdit_UpdateReleaseStatus Updates the status of a release. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) ReleaseStatus_Name (String) | none |
ApplicationGroups_CreateOrUpdateApplicationGroup Creates or updates a new application group |
| ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) ApplicationGroup_Name (String) ApplicationGroup_Description (String) Parent_ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) | ApplicationGroup_Id |
ApplicationGroups_DeleteApplicationGroup Deletes an application group |
| ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) | none |
ApplicationGroups_GetApplicationGroup Gets an application group by ID. |
| ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) | DataRow (ApplicationGroups) |
ApplicationGroups_GetApplicationGroups Gets all the application groups |
| | DataTable (ApplicationGroups) |
ApplicationGroups_GetOrCreateApplicationGroup Gets or creates a new application group using the name |
| ApplicationGroup_Name (String) ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) | ApplicationGroup_Id |
Applications_AddImportedDeployable Adds an imported deployable to an application |
| Deployable_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) | none |
Applications_CreateApplication Creates a new application. |
| Application_Name (String) ReleaseNumber_Scheme_Name (String) BuildNumber_Scheme_Name (String) ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) CreatedBy_User_Name (String) CreatedOn_Date (DateTime) ModifiedBy_User_Name (String) ModifiedOn_Date (DateTime) Application_Description (String) ApplicationConfiguration_Xml (String) Raft_Name (String) Application_Id (Int32) | Application_Id |
Applications_CreateOrUpdateDeployable Creates a deployable for a specified application, or updates an existing one |
| Application_Id (Int32) Deployable_Name (String) CreatedBy_User_Name (String) CreatedOn_Date (DateTime) ModifiedBy_User_Name (String) ModifiedOn_Date (DateTime) Deployable_Id (Int32) | Deployable_Id |
Applications_DeactivateApplication Deactivates an application, removing it from menu options but preserves data. |
| Application_Id (Int32) | none |
Applications_DeleteImportedDeployable Deletes an existing imported deployable relation, but does not delete the deployable from the host application |
| Deployable_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) | none |
Applications_EditApplication Edits an existing application. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Application_Name (String) Application_Description (String) ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) ReleaseNumber_Scheme_Name (String) BuildNumber_Scheme_Name (String) ApplicationConfiguration_Xml (String) Raft_Name (String) | none |
Applications_FindDeployables Searches for deployables in the system. |
| SearchTerm_Text (String) Max_Count (Int32) | DataTable (Deployables_Extended) |
Applications_GetApplication Gets the details of an application along with the associated deployables. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Application_Name (String) | DataSet (Applications_Extended, Deployables_Extended) |
Applications_GetApplications Gets the specified number of applications in the system, or all if null is passed in |
| Application_Count (Int32) IncludeInactive_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataTable (Applications_Extended) |
Applications_GetDependentApplications Gets all applications with imported deployables from a specified application |
| Application_Id (Int32) | DataTable (Applications_Extended) |
Applications_GetDeployable Gets the specified deployable |
| Deployable_Id (Int32) | DataTable (Deployables_Extended) |
Applications_GetDeployableDependencies Gets a set of dependencies for the deployables in a given application or a specific deployable if one is specified |
| Application_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) | DataTable (DeployableDependencies) |
Applications_GetDeployables Gets the deployables for a specific application or for all applications. |
| Application_Id (Int32) | DataTable (Deployables_Extended) |
Applications_GetImportedDeployables Gets a set a imported deployables for a specified application |
| Application_Id (Int32) | DataTable (DeployablesImported_Extended) |
Applications_GetLatestEnvironmentExecutions Gets a view of all the latest executions grouped by application and environment, optionally filtered by application or application group. |
| Application_Id (Int32) ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) | DataTable (Applications_LatestEnvironmentExecutions) |
Applications_GetLatestPipelineBuilds Gets the latest builds grouped by application, pipeline, and stage, optionally filtered by application group. |
| ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) | DataTable (Builds_Extended) |
Applications_PurgeApplicationData Purges an entire application and all associated data from the system. |
| Application_Id (Int32) | none |
Applications_PurgeDeployableData Purges a deployable and all its associations from the system. |
| Deployable_Id (Int32) IncludeChangeScripts_Indicator (YNIndicator) IncludeConfigFiles_Indicator (YNIndicator) IncludeBuildArtifacts_Indicator (YNIndicator) Group_Name (String) | none |
Applications_ReactivateApplication Reactivates an application that has been deactivated. |
| Application_Id (Int32) | none |
Applications_SetDeployableDependencies Sets the dependency relationships between the specified deployable and its dependents |
| Deployable_Id (Int32) DependsOn_Deployables_Csv (String) | none |
Artifacts_CreateOrReplaceArtifact Creates a reference to an artifact in the artifact library. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) Artifact_Name (String) Execution_Id (Int32) Artifact_Path (String) | none |
Artifacts_GetArtifact Gets an artifact based on the specified criteria. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Build_Number (String) Artifact_Name (String) | DataRow (BuildArtifacts_Extended) |
Artifacts_GetArtifacts Gets a set of artifacts based on the specified criteria. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Build_Number (String) Deployable_Id (Int32) Artifact_Count (Int32) | DataTable (BuildArtifacts_Extended) |
Artifacts_GetArtifactsForBuild Gets all artifacts associated with the specified build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (BuildArtifacts_Extended) |
BuildOutputs_AddOutput Adds a build output report to a specified build execution |
| Execution_Id (Int32) Output_Name (String) Output_Bytes (VarBinaryInput) OutputType_Code (String) | none |
BuildOutputs_GetOutput Gets the build output report for a specified build and sequence number |
| Execution_Id (Int32) Output_Sequence (Int32) | DataRow (BuildOutputs) |
BuildOutputs_GetOutputs Gets the build output reports for a specified build |
| Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (BuildOutputs) |
Builds_CreateOrUpdateBuildNote Creates a new build note, or updates an existing one. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Notes_Text (String) BuildNote_Sequence (Int32) | BuildNote_Sequence |
Builds_DeleteBuildNote Deletes a build note from the system. |
| Build_Id (Int32) BuildNote_Sequence (Int32) | none |
Builds_GetBuild Gets the details for a specified build. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Build_Number (String) | DataRow (Builds_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuildById Gets the details for a specified build by ID. |
| Build_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Builds_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuildCompletionExecution Gets all details regarding a specific build completion execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataRow (BuildCompletionExecutions_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuildCompletionExecutions Gets all dthe build completion executions for the specified build. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Build_Number (String) Build_Id (Int32) Execution_Count (Int32) ExecutionStatus_Code (String) | DataTable (BuildCompletionExecutions_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuildExecution Gets all details regarding a specific ad-hoc build execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataRow (BuildExecutions_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuildExecutions Gets all the build executions for the specified build. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Build_Number (String) Build_Id (Int32) Execution_Count (Int32) ExecutionStatus_Code (String) | DataTable (BuildExecutions_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuildNote Gets a build note from the system. |
| Build_Id (Int32) BuildNote_Sequence (Int32) | DataRow (BuildNotes_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuildNotes Gets the build notes that match the specified criteria. |
| Release_Id (Int32) Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (BuildNotes_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuilds Gets the details for all builds that match the specified criteria. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) BuildStatus_Name (String) Build_Count (Int32) | DataTable (Builds_Extended) |
Builds_GetBuildsForRelease Gets the details for all builds that belong to the specified release. |
| Release_Id (Int32) BuildStatus_Name (String) Build_Count (Int32) | DataTable (Builds_Extended) |
Builds_GetExecutionsInProgress Gets all executions in the executing state optionally filtered by application. |
| Application_Id (Int32) | DataTable (PipelineStageTargetExecutions_Extended) |
Builds_GetPipelineStageTargetExecution Gets all details regarding a specific build execution |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataRow (PipelineStageTargetExecutions_Extended) |
Builds_GetPromotion Gets a build promotion. |
| Promotion_Id (Int32) | DataRow (BuildPromotions_Extended) |
Builds_GetPromotions Gets all of the promotions that have occurred. |
| Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (BuildPromotions_Extended) |
Builds_GetStageExecutions Gets all the pipeline stage executions for the specified build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (PipelineStageDeploymentExecutions_Extended) |
Builds_GetStageTargetExecutions Gets all the build executions for the specified build. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Build_Number (String) Build_Id (Int32) PipelineStage_Name (String) Execution_Count (Int32) ExecutionStatus_Code (String) | DataTable (PipelineStageTargetExecutions_Extended) |
Builds_PromoteBuild Promotes a build to to a pipeline stage. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Comments_Text (String) ForcePromotion_Indicator (YNIndicator) PromoteTo_PipelineStage_Name (String) SetFurthestStage_Indicator (YNIndicator) Promotion_Id (Int32) | Promotion_Id |
Builds_PurgeBuildData Purges an entire build and all associated data from the system. |
| Build_Id (Int32) | none |
Builds_RejectBuild Rejects the specified build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Rejection_Notes (String) | none |
Builds_SetBuildNumber Sets the build number of a build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Build_Number (String) | none |
Builds_SetCIInfo Sets the CI information of a build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) CIProject_Name (String) CIBuild_Id (String) | none |
Builds_SetDockerInfo Sets the Docker information of a build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) DockerRepository_Name (String) | none |
Builds_SetGitInfo Sets the git information of a build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) GitRepository_Name (String) GitBranch_Name (String) GitCommit_Hash (Byte[]) | none |
Builds_UpdateBuild Updates properties of a build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Build_Number (String) Release_Id (Int32) Pipeline_Name (String) | none |
BuildTestResults_GetAllGroups Gets all of the test result groups in the system. |
| | DataTable (BuildTestResults_AllGroups) |
BuildTestResults_GetTestGroupResults Gets the unit test results for a specified build execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataTable (BuildTestResults_TestGroupResults) |
BuildTestResults_GetTestGroupResultsForBuild Gets the unit test results for the specified build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (BuildTestResults_TestGroupResults) |
BuildTestResults_GetTestHistory Gets this history of a test by its name, and optionally filtered by test group and application. |
| Test_Name (String) Group_Name (String) Application_Id (Int32) TestStatus_Code (String) Row_Count (Int32) | DataTable (BuildTestResults_Extended) |
BuildTestResults_GetTestLog Gets the results of a specific unit test |
| Execution_Id (Int32) Group_Name (String) Test_Sequence (Int32) | DataTable (BuildTestResults_Extended) |
BuildTestResults_GetTestResults Gets the build test results based on the specified criteria. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) Group_Name (String) | DataTable (BuildTestResults_Extended) |
BuildTestResults_RecordTestResult Logs the result of an individual unit test. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) Group_Name (String) Test_Name (String) TestStatus_Code (String) TestResult_Text (String) TestStarted_Date (DateTime) TestDuration_Milliseconds (Int64) | none |
Calendars_CreateOrUpdateCalendar Creates a new calendar or updates an existing one. |
| Calendar_Name (String) CalendarType_Code (String) Principal_Name (String) Calendar_Id (Int32) | Calendar_Id |
Calendars_DeleteCalendar Deletes the specified calendar. |
| Calendar_Id (Int32) | none |
Calendars_DeleteCalendarView Deletes the specified calendar view. |
| CalendarView_Id (Int32) | none |
Calendars_GetCalendar Gets the specified calendar. |
| Calendar_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Calendars) |
Calendars_GetCalendars Gets all the calendars in the system. |
| | DataTable (Calendars) |
Calendars_GetCalendarViews Gets the views for the specified calendar. |
| Calendar_Id (Int32) | DataTable (CalendarViews) |
Calendars_GetDeployments Gets the deployments that have occurred within a specified window and optionally match additional criteria. |
| ExecutionRunState_Code (String) Start_Date (DateTime) End_Date (DateTime) Application_Id (Int32) Environment_Id (Int32) Pipeline_Name (String) PipelineStage_Name (String) | DataTable (Calendars_Deployments) |
Calendars_GetReleaseTargetDates Gets the release target dates within the specified window, and match the specified criteria. |
| Start_Date (DateTime) End_Date (DateTime) Application_Id (Int32) Environment_Id (Int32) Pipeline_Name (String) PipelineStage_Name (String) | DataTable (Calendars_ReleaseTargetDates) |
CalendarViews_CreateOrUpdateCalendarView Creates a new calendar view or updates an existing one. |
| Calendar_Id (Int32) CalendarView_Configuration (String) CalendarView_Id (Int32) | CalendarView_Id |
ClusterNodes_DeleteNode Deletes a node from the current cluster. |
| Node_Name (String) NodeType_Code (String) | none |
ClusterNodes_GetNodes Gets the nodes registered with this cluster. |
| NodeType_Code (String) | DataTable (ClusterNodes) |
Configuration_GetValue Gets a configuration value. |
| Key_Name (String) Value_Text (String) | Value_Text |
Configuration_GetValues Gets all of the BuildMaster configuration values. |
| | DataTable (Configuration) |
Configuration_SetValue Sets a BuildMaster configuration value. |
| Key_Name (String) Value_Text (String) | none |
ConfigurationFiles_CreateConfigurationFile Creates a configuration file in the system. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) FilePath_Text (String) ConfigurationFile_Name (String) Description_Text (String) ConfigType_Code (String) VariableReplacement_Code (String) ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) | ConfigurationFile_Id |
ConfigurationFiles_CreateConfigurationFileInstance Creates a new instance of a configuration file. |
| ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) Instance_Name (String) Environment_Id (Int32) Template_Indicator (YNIndicator) Template_Instance_Name (String) TransformType_Code (String) EditorType_Code (String) | none |
ConfigurationFiles_CreateConfigurationFileVersions Creates new configuration file versions for each instance specified in the ConfigurationFiles_Xml for the given configuration file. |
| ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) ConfigurationFiles_Xml (String) ReleaseNumbers_Csv (String) | none |
ConfigurationFiles_DeployConfigurationFile Saves the result of a deployed configuration file (this will not physically deploy the configuration file). |
| Execution_Id (Int32) ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) Instance_Name (String) Version_Number (Int32) Server_Id (Int32) DeployedTo_Path (String) DeployedBy_User_Name (String) ConfigurationFileDeployment_Id (Int32) | ConfigurationFileDeployment_Id |
ConfigurationFiles_GetConfigurationFile Gets a configuration file and all of its instances. |
| ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) IncludeInactiveInstances_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataSet (ConfigurationFiles_Extended, ConfigurationFileInstances_Extended, ConfigurationFileVersions_Combined, ConfigurationFileVersions_ModifiedInstances) |
ConfigurationFiles_GetConfigurationFileDeployments Gets a list of all configuration file deployments based on the specified criteria. |
| Application_Id (Int32) ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) Instance_Name (String) Server_Id (Int32) File_Count (Int32) | DataTable (ConfigurationFileDeployments_Extended) |
ConfigurationFiles_GetConfigurationFileInstances Gets a list of all configuration file instances that match the specified criteria. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataTable (ConfigurationFileInstances_Extended) |
ConfigurationFiles_GetConfigurationFiles Gets all configuration files that match the specified criteria. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) IncludeInactive_Indicator (YNIndicator) IncludeInstances_Indicator (YNIndicator) IncludeVersions_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataSet (ConfigurationFiles_Extended, ConfigurationFileInstances_Extended, ConfigurationFileVersions_Combined, ConfigurationFileVersions_ModifiedInstances) |
ConfigurationFiles_GetConfigurationFileVersion Gets a list of configuration file versions for a specified configuration file. |
| ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) Instance_Name (String) Version_Number (Int32) | DataTable (ConfigurationFileVersions_Extended) |
ConfigurationFiles_PurgeConfigurationFile Purges a configuration file, including all previous versions of all instances and deployment history. |
| ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) | none |
ConfigurationFiles_PurgeConfigurationFileInstance Purges a configuration file instance, including all previous versions and deployment history. |
| ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) Instance_Name (String) UnlinkTemplate_Indicator (YNIndicator) | none |
ConfigurationFiles_UpdateConfigurationFile Updates metadata for an existing configuration file. |
| ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) ConfigurationFile_Name (String) FilePath_Text (String) Description_Text (String) Deployable_Id (Int32) ConfigType_Code (String) VariableReplacement_Code (String) | none |
ConfigurationFiles_UpdateConfigurationFileInstance Updates metadata for an existing configuration file instance. |
| ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) Instance_Name (String) Environment_Id (Int32) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) Template_Instance_Name (String) TransformType_Code (String) EditorType_Code (String) | none |
Containers_CreateContainer Creates a new container. |
| Repository_Name (String) SecureResource_Name (String) Tag_Name (String) Build_Id (Int32) AddedToBuildIn_Execution_Id (Int32) Image_Digest (String) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) Container_Id (Int32) | Container_Id |
Containers_DeleteContainer Deletes a container. |
| Container_Id (Int32) | none |
Containers_GetContainer Gets the specified container. |
| Container_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Containers_Extended) |
Containers_GetContainers Gets the packages that match the specified criteria. |
| Repository_Name (String) SecureResource_Name (String) Tag_Name (String) Application_Id (Int32) Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (Containers_Extended) |
Containers_SetActive Deactivates or reactivates a container. |
| Container_Id (Int32) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) | none |
Credentials_CreateOrUpdateCredential Creates a new credential or updates an existing one. |
| Credential_Name (String) Environment_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) LegacyResourceCredentialType_Name (String) Configuration_Xml (String) AllowFunctionAccess_Indicator (YNIndicator) Credential_Id (Int32) | Credential_Id |
Credentials_DeleteCredential Gets the specified credential. |
| Credential_Id (Int32) | none |
Credentials_GetCredential Gets the specified credential. |
| Credential_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Credentials_Extended) |
Credentials_GetCredentialByName Gets the best specified credential by its name. |
| Credential_Name (String) Application_Id (Int32) Environment_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Credentials_Extended) |
Credentials_GetCredentials Gets all credentials in the system. |
| | DataTable (Credentials_Extended) |
DatabaseChangeScripts_CreateOrUpdateChangeScript Creates or edits a database change script. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Deployable_Id (Int32) Script_Name (String) Script_Text (String) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) Group_Name (String) Script_Id (Int32) | Script_Id |
DatabaseChangeScripts_DeleteChangeScript Deletes a database change script. |
| Script_Id (Int32) | none |
DatabaseChangeScripts_GetChangeScript Gets the specified database change script. |
| Script_Id (Int32) | DataRow (DatabaseChangeScripts_Extended) |
DatabaseChangeScripts_GetChangeScripts Gets all the database change scripts that match the specified criteria. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) IncludeInactive_Indicator (YNIndicator) DatabaseChangeScript_Count (Int32) | DataTable (DatabaseChangeScripts_Extended) |
DatabaseChangeScripts_GetExecution Gets a database change script execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataRow (DatabaseChangeScriptExecutions_Extended) |
DatabaseConnections_CreateOrUpdateConnection Creates a new database connection or updates an existing one. |
| DatabaseConnection_Name (String) DatabaseConnection_Description (String) DatabaseConnection_Configuration (String) ExecuteOn_Server_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) Environment_Id (Int32) RestrictEnvironment_Indicator (YNIndicator) DatabaseConnection_Id (Int32) | DatabaseConnection_Id |
DatabaseConnections_DeleteConnection Deletes a database connection. |
| DatabaseConnection_Id (Int32) | none |
DatabaseConnections_GetConnection Gets a database connection. |
| DatabaseConnection_Id (Int32) | DataRow (DatabaseConnections_Extended) |
DatabaseConnections_GetConnections Gets database connections, optionally filtered by application and environment. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Environment_Id (Int32) | DataTable (DatabaseConnections_Extended) |
Environments_CreateOrUpdateEnvironment Creates a new environment or updates an existing one |
| Environment_Name (String) ServerIds_Csv (String) Parent_Environment_Id (Int32) Display_Sequence (Int32) Environment_Id (Int32) | Environment_Id |
Environments_DeleteEnvironment Soft deletes an environment |
| Environment_Id (Int32) | none |
Environments_GetEnvironment Gets an environment. |
| Environment_Id (Int32) | DataSet (Environments_Extended, Servers) |
Environments_GetEnvironments Gets all environments. |
| | DataTable (Environments_Extended) |
Environments_GetEnvironmentsAndServers Gets the a dataset containing all environments, all environment/server relations, and servers |
| IncludeInactive_Servers_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataSet (Environments_Extended, EnvironmentServers_Extended, Servers) |
Environments_ResequenceEnvironment Resequences the specified environment by placing it where another environment is sequenced |
| Environment_Id (Int32) New_Environment_Sequence (Int32) | none |
EventListeners_CreateOrUpdateEventListener Creates or updates an event listener. |
| EventListener_Description (String) EventListener_Configuration (String) Owner_User_Name (String) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) EventCodeList_Csv (String) ApplicationIdList_Csv (String) ApplicationGroupIdList_Csv (String) PipelineStageNameList_Csv (String) PipelineStageName_Delimeter (String) EventListener_Id (Int32) | EventListener_Id |
EventListeners_DeleteEventListener Deletes an event listener. |
| EventListener_Id (Int32) | none |
EventListeners_GetEventListener Gets a EventListener and a list of event codes that the EventListener is subscribed to. |
| EventListener_Id (Int32) | DataSet (EventListeners, EventListenerApplications, EventListenerApplicationGroups, EventListenerStages, EventListenerEvents) |
EventListeners_GetEventListeners Gets a list of event listeners for the specified user, or all users if no user is specified. |
| Owner_User_Name (String) | DataSet (EventListeners, EventListenerApplications, EventListenerApplicationGroups, EventListenerStages, EventListenerEvents) |
Events_GetEventOccurrence Get a specific event occurrence along with its event details. |
| EventOccurence_Id (Int32) | DataSet (EventOccurences_Extended, EventOccurenceDetails) |
Events_GetEventOccurrences Gets all the event occurrences in the system for a specific application, or all applications, limited to a specified count if provided. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Event_Count (Int32) After_EventOccurence_Id (Int32) | DataTable (EventOccurences_Extended) |
Executions_GetBuildTriggerExecution Gets a build trigger execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataRow (BuildTriggerExecutions_Extended) |
Executions_GetEventListenerExecution Gets an event listener execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataRow (EventListenerExecutions_Extended) |
Executions_GetManualExecution Gets a manual execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataRow (ManualExecutions_Extended) |
Executions_GetRetentionPolicyExecution Gets a retention policy execution. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataRow (RetentionPolicyExecutions) |
ImageBasedServices_CreateOrUpdateImageBasedService Creates an image based service or updates an existing entry. |
| ImageBasedService_Name (String) Capabilities_Csv (String) Repository_Name (String) TagFilter_Text (String) Credential_Name (String) ImageBasedService_Id (Int32) | none |
ImageBasedServices_DeleteImageBasedService Deletes an image based service from the database. |
| ImageBasedService_Id (Int32) | none |
ImageBasedServices_GetImageBasedService Gets details about an image based service using its name or ID. |
| ImageBasedService_Id (Int32) ImageBasedService_Name (String) | DataRow (ImageBasedServices) |
ImageBasedServices_GetImageBasedServices Gets a list of all image based services in the database. |
| | DataTable (ImageBasedServices) |
Infrastructure_GetInfrastructure Gets all of the infrastructure; this includes servers, environments, and roles. |
| | DataSet (Servers, Environments_Extended, ServerRoles_Extended, EnvironmentServers_Extended, ServerRoleServers, Variables) |
Issues_CloseIssue Closes a BuildMaster issue. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Issue_Id (Int32) | none |
Issues_CreateIssue Creates an issue for a release of an application. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Id (Int32) Type_Text (String) Title_Text (String) Description_Text (String) Closed_Indicator (YNIndicator) Build_Number (String) CreatedBy_User_Name (String) CreatedOn_Date (DateTime) IssueTracker_IssueId_Text (String) IssueTracker_IssueStatus_Text (String) IssueTracker_LastSync_Date (DateTime) IssueTracker_IssueUrl_Text (String) Issue_Id (Int32) | Issue_Id |
Issues_DeleteIssue Deletes an issue. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Issue_Id (Int32) | none |
Issues_GetIssue Gets the specified. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Issue_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Issues_Extended) |
Issues_GetIssues Gets the issues for an application, optionally filtered by release or build. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Id (Int32) | DataTable (Issues_Extended) |
Issues_GetIssueTypes Gets a list of distinct issue types that have been synchronized by the system. |
| | DataTable (Issues_Types) |
Issues_ReopenIssue Re-opens a BuildMaster issue. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Issue_Id (Int32) | none |
Issues_UpdateIssue Updates one or more properties of an issue. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Issue_Id (Int32) Release_Id (Int32) Type_Text (String) Title_Text (String) Description_Text (String) Closed_Indicator (YNIndicator) IssueTracker_IssueStatus_Text (String) IssueTracker_IssueUrl_Text (String) IssueTracker_LastSync_Date (DateTime) | none |
IssueSources_DeleteIssueSource Deletes an issue source. |
| IssueSource_Id (Int32) | none |
IssueSources_GetIssueSource Gets an issue source. |
| IssueSource_Id (Int32) | DataRow (IssueSources_Extended) |
IssueSources_GetIssueSources Gets the issue sources, optionally filtered to a release scope. |
| Release_Id (Int32) | DataTable (IssueSources_Extended) |
LogMessages_DeleteMessages Deletes one or all message from the error log |
| LogMessage_Id (Int32) | none |
LogMessages_GetMessage Gets a specified message from the error log |
| LogMessage_Id (Int32) | DataRow (LogMessages_Extended) |
LogMessages_GetMessages Gets the messages from the error log that match the specified criteria |
| Row_Count (Int32) Message_Level (Int32) Category_Name (String) Application_Id (Int32) EventListener_Id (Int32) Server_Id (Int32) | DataTable (LogMessages_Extended) |
Packages_CreatePackage Creates a new package. |
| Package_Name (String) PackageSource_Name (String) Version_Text (String) Build_Id (Int32) AddedToBuildIn_Execution_Id (Int32) InitialMetadata_SHA1_Bytes (Byte[]) PackageType_Code (String) Package_Id (Int32) | Package_Id |
Packages_DeletePackage Deletes a package. |
| Package_Id (Int32) | none |
Packages_GetPackage Gets the specified package. |
| Package_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Packages_Extended) |
Packages_GetPackages Gets the packages that match the specified criteria. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Package_Name (String) PackageSource_Name (String) | DataTable (Packages_Extended) |
Packages_SetActive Deactivates or reactivates a package. |
| Package_Id (Int32) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) | none |
Promotions_AddApproval Adds an approval for a promotion. |
| Build_Id (Int32) PipelineStage_Name (String) Requirement_Id (Int32) RequirementType_Code (String) User_Name (String) Requirement_Description (String) Comments_Text (String) Approval_Id (Int32) | Approval_Id |
Promotions_DeleteApproval Deletes an approval for a promotion. |
| Approval_Id (Int32) | none |
Promotions_GetApprovalsReceived Gets all requirements and approvals received for the specified promotion. |
| Build_Id (Int32) PipelineStage_Name (String) Approval_Id (Int32) | DataTable (BuildApprovalsReceived_Extended) |
Promotions_GetScheduled Gets scheduled promotions, optionally filtered by promotion and date. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Build_Number (String) PipelineStage_Name (String) Before_Date (DateTime) | DataTable (BuildPromotionsScheduled_Extended) |
Promotions_GetScheduledForBuild Gets scheduled promotions for a build, optionally filtered by promotion and date. |
| Build_Id (Int32) PipelineStage_Name (String) Before_Date (DateTime) | DataTable (BuildPromotionsScheduled_Extended) |
Promotions_SchedulePromotion Schedules a promotion or removes a previously scheduled promotion. |
| Build_Id (Int32) PipelineStage_Name (String) PromoteOn_Date (DateTime) Comments_Text (String) Variables_Xml (String) | none |
Rafts_CreateOrUpdateRaft Creates a new raft, or updates an existing one. |
| Raft_Name (String) Environment_Id (Int32) Raft_Configuration (String) Raft_Id (Int32) | Raft_Id |
Rafts_CreateOrUpdateRaftItem Creates an item in a database raft. |
| Raft_Id (Int32) RaftItemType_Code (Int32) RaftItem_Name (String) ModifiedOn_Date (DateTimeOffset) ModifiedBy_User_Name (String) Content_Bytes (VarBinaryInput) Application_Id (Int32) RaftItem_Id (Int32) | none |
Rafts_DeleteRaft Deletes the specified raft. |
| Raft_Id (Int32) | none |
Rafts_DeleteRaftItem Deletes a database raft item. |
| RaftItem_Id (Int32) PurgeHistory_Indicator (YNIndicator) | none |
Rafts_DeleteRaftItemVersion Deletes a database raft item version. |
| RaftItem_Id (Int32) RaftItemVersion_Number (Int32) | none |
Rafts_GetApplicationRaftItems Gets the specified database application raft items. |
| Raft_Id (Int32) RaftItemType_Code (Int32) RaftItem_Name (String) Application_Id (Int32) | DataTable (RaftItems_Extended) |
Rafts_GetRaft Gets the specified raft in the system by name or ID. |
| Raft_Id (Int32) Raft_Name (String) | DataRow (Rafts) |
Rafts_GetRaftItems Gets the specified database raft items. |
| Raft_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) RaftItemType_Code (Int32) RaftItem_Name (String) | DataTable (RaftItems_Extended) |
Rafts_GetRaftItemsAccessibleToApplication Gets the specified database application raft items including any global items. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Raft_Id (Int32) RaftItemType_Code (Int32) RaftItem_Name (String) | DataTable (RaftItems_Extended) |
Rafts_GetRaftItemVersions Gets the specified database raft item version history. |
| RaftItem_Id (Int32) | DataTable (RaftItemVersions) |
Rafts_GetRafts Gets all the rafts in the system. |
| | DataTable (Rafts) |
Rafts_RenameRaftItem Renames an item in a database raft. |
| RaftItem_Id (Int32) RaftItem_Name (String) | none |
Releases_CancelRelease Cancels the specified release. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) CancelledReason_Text (String) | none |
Releases_CreateOrUpdateRelease Creates a release or updates an existing one. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Pipeline_Name (String) Target_Date (DateTime) Release_Name (String) ReleaseTemplate_Name (String) | none |
Releases_CreateOrUpdateReleaseDeployable Sets the furthest build number for the release. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Deployable_Id (Int32) Referenced_Application_Id (Int32) Referenced_Release_Number (String) | none |
Releases_CreateOrUpdateReleaseNote Creates a new release note, or updates an existing one. |
| Release_Id (Int32) Notes_Text (String) Build_Id (Int32) ReleaseNote_Sequence (Int32) | ReleaseNote_Sequence |
Releases_CreateOrUpdateReleaseTargetDate Creates a new release target date, or updates an existing one. |
| Release_Id (Int32) Target_Name (String) Start_Date (DateTime) End_Date (DateTime) ReleaseTargetDate_Id (Int32) | ReleaseTargetDate_Id |
Releases_DeleteReleaseDeployable Removes a deployable from the release. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Deployable_Id (Int32) | none |
Releases_DeleteReleaseNote Deletes a release note from the system. |
| Release_Id (Int32) ReleaseNote_Sequence (Int32) | none |
Releases_DeleteReleaseTargetDate Deletes a release target date. |
| ReleaseTargetDate_Id (Int32) | ReleaseTargetDate_Id |
Releases_GetDependentReleases Gets all releases with referenced deployables from a specified release. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) | DataTable (Releases_Extended) |
Releases_GetRelease Gets the details of a specified release, the deployables associated with the release, and the configuration file versions associated with the release. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) | DataSet (Releases_Extended, ReleaseDeployables_Extended, ReleaseConfigurationFiles) |
Releases_GetReleaseById Gets the details of a specified release by ID. |
| Release_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Releases_Extended) |
Releases_GetReleaseDeployables Gets the set of deployables associated with any release for an application. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Id (Int32) | DataTable (ReleaseDeployables_Extended) |
Releases_GetReleaseNote Gets a release note from the system. |
| Release_Id (Int32) ReleaseNote_Sequence (Int32) | DataRow (ReleaseNotes_Extended) |
Releases_GetReleaseNotes Gets the release notes that match the specified criteria. |
| Release_Id (Int32) Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (ReleaseNotes_Extended) |
Releases_GetReleases Gets a list of releases that match the specified criteria. |
| Application_Id (Int32) ReleaseStatus_Name (String) Pipeline_Name (String) Deployable_Name (String) Release_Count (Int32) | DataTable (Releases_Extended) |
Releases_GetReleaseSlimById Gets the details of a specified release by ID. |
| Release_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Releases_Slim) |
Releases_GetReleaseTargetDates Gets the release target dates for the specified criteria. |
| Release_Id (Int32) | DataTable (ReleaseTargetDates) |
Releases_PurgeReleaseData Purges an entire release and all associated data from the system. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) | none |
Releases_ReleaseExists Determines whether a release already exists, and also whether a newer release of an application exists |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) ReleaseExists_Indicator (YNIndicator) NewerDeployedReleaseExists_Indicator (YNIndicator) | ReleaseExists_Indicator, NewerDeployedReleaseExists_Indicator |
Releases_ResequenceRelease Resequences the specified release by placing it where another release is sequenced. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) Release_Sequence (Int64) | none |
Releases_SetCIInfo Sets the CI information of a Release. |
| Release_Id (Int32) CIProject_Name (String) CIScope_Name (String) | none |
Releases_SetConfigurationFileVersion Sets the configuration file version for the specified release. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) ConfigurationFile_Id (Int32) Version_Number (Int32) | none |
Releases_SetGitInfo Sets the git information of a Release. |
| Release_Id (Int32) GitRepository_Name (String) GitBranch_Name (String) | none |
Releases_UnCancelRelease Restores a previously canceled release. |
| Application_Id (Int32) Release_Number (String) | none |
ResourceMonitors_CreateOrUpdateResourceMonitor Creates or updates a Resource monitor. |
| ResourceMonitor_Configuration (String) Trigger_Configuration (String) Application_Id (Int32) SecureResource_Id (Int32) ResourceMonitor_Id (Int32) | ResourceMonitor_Id |
ResourceMonitors_DeleteResourceMonitor Deletes a Resource monitor. |
| ResourceMonitor_Id (Int32) | none |
ResourceMonitors_GetResourceMonitor Gets a Resource monitor. |
| ResourceMonitor_Id (Int32) | DataSet (ResourceMonitors_Extended(1), ResourceMonitorStates) |
ResourceMonitors_GetResourceMonitors Gets all Resource monitors and their states. |
| Application_Id (Int32) SecureResource_Id (Int32) | DataSet (ResourceMonitors_Extended, ResourceMonitorStates) |
RetentionPolicies_CreateOrUpdateRetentionPolicy Creates or updates a retention policy. |
| RetentionPolicy_Name (String) PurgeType_Code (String) PurgeIn_Application_Id (Int32) PurgeIn_ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) PurgeIn_OnlyDeployedReleases_Indicator (YNIndicator) PurgeIn_OnlyRejectedBuilds_Indicator (YNIndicator) PurgeOrphanedArtifacts_Indicator (YNIndicator) PurgeIn_Pipeline_Name (String) PurgeIn_Environment_Id (Int32) Retention_Count (Int32) Retention_Size (Int64) Retention_Days_Count (Int32) PurgeWindow_Start_Minutes (Int32) PurgeWindow_Duration_Minutes (Int32) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) RetentionPolicy_Id (Int32) | RetentionPolicy_Id |
RetentionPolicies_DeleteRetentionPolicy Deletes a retention policy. |
| RetentionPolicy_Id (Int32) | none |
RetentionPolicies_GetRetentionPolicies Gets all of the retention policies. |
| IncludeInactive_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataTable (RetentionPolicies_Extended) |
RetentionPolicies_GetRetentionPolicy Gets the specified retention policy. |
| RetentionPolicy_Id (Int32) | DataRow (RetentionPolicies_Extended) |
SecureResources_CreateOrUpdateSecureResource Creates a new secure resource or updates an existing one. |
| SecureResource_Name (String) SecureResource_Description (String) Application_Id (Int32) ResourceType_Code (String) Configuration_Xml (String) Credential_Name (String) SecureResource_Id (Int32) | SecureResource_Id |
SecureResources_DeleteSecureResource Deletes the specified secured resource. |
| SecureResource_Id (Int32) | none |
SecureResources_GetSecureResource Gets the specified secure resource. |
| SecureResource_Id (Int32) | DataRow (SecureResources) |
SecureResources_GetSecureResourceByName Finds the specified secure resource by name and application. |
| SecureResource_Name (String) Application_Id (Int32) ResourceType_Code (String) | DataRow (SecureResources) |
SecureResources_GetSecureResources Gets all secure resources in the system or in a specific application. |
| Application_Id (Int32) | DataTable (SecureResources) |
Security_AddNamedUser Assigns the specified user as a named user with the specified user class type |
| User_Name (String) | none |
Security_AddPrivilege Grants or denies the specified principal the ability to perform a certain role |
| Privilege_Id (Int32) Principal_Name (String) PrincipalType_Code (String) Role_Id (Int32) ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) Environment_Id (Int32) PrivilegeType_Code (String) UseTransaction_Indicator (YNIndicator) | Privilege_Id |
Security_CreateOrUpdateRole Creates or updates a role. |
| Role_Id (Int32) Role_Name (String) Role_Description (String) Tasks_Csv (String) | Role_Id |
Security_DeleteRole Deletes the specified role from the system |
| Role_Id (Int32) | none |
Security_GetNamedUser Gets the specified named user |
| User_Name (String) SetLastAccessed_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataRow (NamedUsers) |
Security_GetNamedUsers Gets a list of the named users in the system |
| | DataTable (NamedUsers) |
Security_GetOrAddAnonymousRole Gets an anonymous role containing the specified tasks, creating one if necessary. |
| Tasks_Csv (String) Role_Id (Int32) | Role_Id |
Security_GetPrivileges Gets a list of privileges assigned in the system |
| PrincipalType_Code (String) | DataTable (Privileges_Extended) |
Security_GetPrivilegesAndRoles Gets a list of privileges assigned and a list of roles in the system and. |
| | DataSet (Privileges_Extended, RoleTasks_Extended, Tasks) |
Security_GetRole Gets the specified role, along with all the tasks that comprise the role. |
| Role_Id (Int32) | DataSet (Roles, RoleTasks_Extended) |
Security_GetRoles Gets all the roles in the system, along with all the tasks comprising each role. |
| IncludeAnonymous_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataSet (Roles, RoleTasks_Extended) |
Security_GetTasks Gets all of the tasks in the system. |
| | DataTable (Tasks) |
Security_GetUserPrivileges Gets the list of privileges specifically assigned to a user or any specified groups |
| User_Name (String) GroupNames_Csv (String) | DataTable (Privileges_Extended) |
Security_RemoveNamedUser Removes the specified user as a named user |
| User_Name (String) | none |
Security_RemovePrivilege Deletes a privilege from the system. |
| Privilege_Id (Int32) | none |
Security_UserIsNamed Determines whether or not a user is a named user in the system |
| User_Name (String) UserIsNamed_Indicator (YNIndicator) | UserIsNamed_Indicator |
ServerRoles_CreateOrUpdateServerRole Creates or updates a server role. |
| ServerRole_Name (String) ServerIds_Csv (String) ServerRole_Id (Int32) | ServerRole_Id |
ServerRoles_DeleteServerRole Deletes the specified server and its configurations. |
| ServerRole_Id (Int32) | none |
ServerRoles_GetServerRole Gets the specified server role. |
| ServerRole_Id (Int32) | DataRow (ServerRoles_Extended) |
ServerRoles_GetServerRoles Gets all the servers roles in the system. |
| | DataTable (ServerRoles_Extended) |
ServerRoles_GetServerRolesEnvironments Gets all the server role and environment relations that match the specified criteria. |
| Environment_Id (Int32) ServerRole_Id (Int32) | DataTable (ServerRolesEnvironments_Merged) |
ServerRoles_GetServerRoleServers Gets all the server role servers for a specific role, or all the roles in the system. |
| ServerRole_Id (Int32) | DataTable (ServerRoleServers) |
ServerRoles_SearchServerRoles Searches servers roles in the system. |
| Environment_Id (Int32) | DataTable (ServerRoles_Extended) |
Servers_CreateOrUpdateServer Creates a new server, or updates an existing one. |
| Server_Name (String) Agent_Configuration (String) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) Restricted_Indicator (YNIndicator) EnvironmentIds_Csv (String) ServerRoleIds_Csv (String) LogServerErrors_Indicator (YNIndicator) Server_Id (Int32) | Server_Id |
Servers_DeleteServer Deletes a server. |
| Server_Id (Int32) | none |
Servers_GetContainers Gets recorded server containers for the server. |
| Server_Id (Int32) | DataTable (ServerContainers_Extended) |
Servers_GetContainersByDigest Gets recorded server containers for the server. |
| Image_Digest (String) | DataTable (ServerContainers_Extended) |
Servers_GetServer Gets the details of a specific server and its environments and roles. |
| Server_Id (Int32) | DataSet (Servers, Environments_Extended, ServerRoles_Extended) |
Servers_GetServerLogs Gets the logs associated with the specified server. |
| Server_Id (Int32) LogMessage_Count (Int32) | DataTable (LogMessages_Extended) |
Servers_GetServers Gets all the servers in the system. |
| IncludeInactive_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataTable (Servers) |
Servers_GetServersByRoleName Gets all the active servers in a specified server role. |
| ServerRole_Name (String) | DataTable (Servers) |
Servers_SearchServers Gets all the servers specified by the filter, as well as their associated environments and roles. |
| Has_ServerRole_Id (Int32) In_Environment_Id (Int32) | DataSet (Servers, ServerRoleServers, EnvironmentServers_Extended) |
TemporaryFiles_DeleteFile Deletes the specified temporary file. |
| File_Name (String) | none |
TemporaryFiles_DeleteFilesByNamePrefix Deletes temporary files where their name starts with FilePrefix_Name. |
| FilePrefix_Name (String) OlderThan_Date (DateTime) | none |
TemporaryFiles_GetFiles Gets all the temporary files in the system. |
| | DataTable (TemporaryFiles) |
TemporaryFiles_WriteFile Creates or updates a temporary file. |
| File_Name (String) Content_Bytes (VarBinaryInput) | none |
UserConfiguration_GetUserConfiguration Gets the a complete list of user configuration settings |
| User_Name (String) | DataTable (UserConfiguration) |
UserConfiguration_GetValue Gets the specified user configuration value |
| User_Name (String) Key_Name (String) Value_Text (String) | Value_Text |
UserConfiguration_SetValue Sets a user configuration value |
| User_Name (String) Key_Name (String) Value_Text (String) | none |
Users_CreateOrUpdateGroup Creates a new user group in the system |
| Group_Name (String) Users_Xml (String) | none |
Users_CreateOrUpdateUser Creates a new user in the system or updates an existing one. |
| User_Name (String) Display_Name (String) Email_Address (String) Groups_Xml (String) ChangePasswordOnLogin_Indicator (YNIndicator) | none |
Users_DeleteGroup Deletes a user group from the system, but does not delete the users who belong to the group |
| Group_Name (String) | none |
Users_DeleteUser Deletes a user from the system |
| User_Name (String) | none |
Users_GetGroups Gets a list of user groups in the system |
| | DataTable (Groups) |
Users_GetUser Gets the details of the specified user, and a list of all the groups the user belongs to |
| User_Name (String) | DataSet (Users, UserGroups) |
Users_GetUsers Gets all the users in the system, along with all group membership information. |
| | DataSet (Users, UserGroups) |
Users_GetUsersAndGroups Gets all the users and groups in the system, along with all the user's groups in the system |
| | DataSet (Users, UserGroups, Groups) |
Users_GetUsersInGroup Gets a list of users in the specified group |
| Group_Name (String) | DataTable (Users) |
Users_SearchGroups Gets a specific group by name, or if a wildcard search is performed, a group whose name starts with the specified name |
| Group_Name (String) PerformWildcardSearch_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataTable (Groups) |
Users_SearchUsers Gets the specified user, or searchs for a user whose name starts with any of the specified criteria |
| User_Name (String) Display_Name (String) Email_Address (String) PerformWildcardSearch_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataTable (Users) |
Variables_CreateOrUpdateBuildVariable Creates a new build variable or sets an existing build variable's value. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Variable_Name (String) ValueType_Code (String) Variable_Value (VarBinaryInput) Sensitive_Indicator (YNIndicator) EvaluateVariables_Indicator (YNIndicator) | none |
Variables_CreateOrUpdateReleaseVariable Creates a new release variable or sets an existing release variable's value. |
| Release_Id (Int32) Variable_Name (String) ValueType_Code (String) Variable_Value (VarBinaryInput) Sensitive_Indicator (YNIndicator) EvaluateVariables_Indicator (YNIndicator) | none |
Variables_CreateOrUpdateVariable Creates a new variable, or updates an existing variable with the specified ID or matching scope. |
| Variable_Name (String) ValueType_Code (String) Variable_Value (VarBinaryInput) Environment_Id (Int32) ServerRole_Id (Int32) Server_Id (Int32) ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) Sensitive_Indicator (YNIndicator) EvaluateVariables_Indicator (YNIndicator) Variable_Id (Int32) | Variable_Id |
Variables_DeleteBuildVariable Deletes a build variable. |
| Build_Id (Int32) Variable_Name (String) | none |
Variables_DeleteReleaseVariable Deletes a release variable. |
| Release_Id (Int32) Variable_Name (String) | none |
Variables_DeleteVariable Deletes a variable. |
| Variable_Id (Int32) | none |
Variables_GetBuildVariables Gets variables for a build. |
| Build_Id (Int32) | DataTable (BuildVariables) |
Variables_GetDeploymentVariables Gets the variables prompted for a stage deployment. |
| Execution_Id (Int32) | DataTable (DeploymentVariables) |
Variables_GetReleaseVariables Gets the release variables for a specific release. |
| Release_Id (Int32) | DataTable (ReleaseVariables) |
Variables_GetVariable Gets a variable from a specified id. |
| Variable_Id (Int32) | DataRow (Variables) |
Variables_GetVariables Gets all variables. |
| | DataTable (Variables) |
Variables_GetVariablesAccessibleFromScope Gets the variables that are defined in any of the specified scopes. |
| Environment_Id (Int32) ServerRole_Id (Int32) Server_Id (Int32) ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) Variable_Name (String) ExpandRolesAndEnvironments_Indicator (YNIndicator) IncludeSystemVariables_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataTable (Variables) |
Variables_GetVariablesForScope Gets the variables that are defined only in the specified scope. |
| Environment_Id (Int32) ServerRole_Id (Int32) Server_Id (Int32) ApplicationGroup_Id (Int32) Application_Id (Int32) Deployable_Id (Int32) | DataTable (Variables) |
Webhooks_CreateOrUpdateWebhook Creates or updates a webhook. |
| Webhook_Name (String) Application_Id (Int32) Webhook_Configuration (String) Active_Indicator (YNIndicator) Plan_Name (String) CreateVariables_Indicator (YNIndicator) Webhook_Id (Int32) | Webhook_Id |
Webhooks_DeleteWebhook Deletes a webhook. |
| Webhook_Id (Int32) | none |
Webhooks_GetWebhook Gets a webhook. |
| Webhook_Id (Int32) Webhook_Name (String) | DataRow (Webhooks_Extended) |
Webhooks_GetWebhooks Gets all webhooks. |
| IncludeInactive_Indicator (YNIndicator) | DataTable (Webhooks_Extended) |