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Unit Test Details

Test GroupInedoExtensionTests
Test Results
13 failed | 0 passed | 13 total | 0% passing
Tests Started1/2/2020 12:55:15 PM
Tests Completed1/2/2020 12:55:42 PM


1: GetBuildNumbers0min 2.04s
2: OpenSingleArtifact0min 2.05s
3: TriggerBuild_AND_GetQueuedBuildInfo0min 2.07s
4: GetBuildInfo0min 2.04s
5: GetBuildNumbers_MultiBranchJobThrowsExceptionWithoutBranchParameter0min 2.07s
6: GetSpecialBuildNumber0min 2.04s
7: GetSpecialBuildNumber_NoBuilds0min 2.06s
8: GetBuildArtifacts0min 2.05s
9: OpenArtifact0min 2.05s
10: GetBranchNames0min 2.07s
11: DownloadSingleArtifact0min 2.04s
12: DownloadArtifact0min 2.10s
13: GetJobNames0min 2.25s