INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:00Z - Deploying Inedo.SDK-net452 artifact to ~\SDK... INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:01Z - Artifact deployed. INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:01Z - Executing C:\Tools\Docugen\Docugen.exe... INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:06Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:06Z - Creating file... INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:06Z - C:\InedoAgent\BuildMasterTemp\\Temp\_E82736\Docs\upack.json file created. INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:06Z - Creating zip file... INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:08Z - C:\InedoAgent\BuildMasterTemp\\Temp\_E82736\InedoSDK-1.9.0.upack file created. INFO : 2020-11-20 20:55:08Z - Getting list of files in C:\InedoAgent\BuildMasterTemp\\Temp\_E82736 to add to artifact...