INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:32Z - Deploying inedo-nodebb-plugin-sso-myinedo-0.0.2-ci.1 artifact to ~\Source... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:33Z - Artifact deployed. INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:33Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:34Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:35Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:36Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:36Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:38Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:38Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:40Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:40Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:42Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:42Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:44Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:44Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:46Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:46Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:47Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:47Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:49Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:49Z - Creating file... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:49Z - C:\InedoAgent\BuildMasterTemp\\Temp\_E64012\Source\package.json file created. INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:49Z - Executing C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd... WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice package: @inedo/nodebb-plugin-sso-myinedo@0.0.2 WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice === Tarball Contents === WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice 4.2kB index.js WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice 474B package.json WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice 274B plugin.json WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice === Tarball Details === WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice name: @inedo/nodebb-plugin-sso-myinedo WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice version: 0.0.2 WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice package size: 2.1 kB WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice unpacked size: 4.9 kB WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice shasum: 703926cf313e883910121eeb041b0a957852ef79 WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice integrity: sha512-pdoTCDL/bz5vR[...]L24dmpmWsdJkg== WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice total files: 3 WARN : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - npm notice INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - + @inedo/nodebb-plugin-sso-myinedo@0.0.2 INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - Process exited with code: 0 (success) INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:52Z - Tag '' on 'master' branch as '0.0.2'... INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:54Z - Tag complete. INFO : 2020-09-25 19:22:54Z - Getting list of files in C:\InedoAgent\BuildMasterTemp\\Temp\_E64012\Source to add to artifact...