INFO : 2019-09-20 18:07:57Z - Repackaging inedox/WindowsSDK 1.5.1-CI.6 to 1.5.1 on (AppVeyor feed)... INFO : 2019-09-20 18:07:58Z - Repackage was successful. INFO : 2019-09-20 18:07:58Z - Promoting inedox/WindowsSDK 1.5.1 from AppVeyor to Extensions on ERROR: 2019-09-20 18:07:58Z - The server responsed with 404: Not Found

Not Found

An unexpected error has occured while processing your request.

Error Details:

There is no page or resource at the URL you requested: /api/promotions

Why am I seeing this page?

You were taken to this page because ProGet encountered an error without a specific or known resolution.

What else can I do about this?

Hopefully the error message above is helpful in determining what went wrong.

If the error message is unhelpful or cryptic, more advanced users may want to set the WebCustomErrorsMode property under Advanced/Internal Settings to off to see more information when an error occurs. This setting will re-enable the infamous "Yellow Screen of Death" where you'll be able to see a stack trace in addition to any error messages.


If you're not sure what is causing this problem, our support team is standing by. You may use any of the following methods to contact us: