INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:11Z - Acquiring server... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:11Z - Server 'winbuildsv1' acquired. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:11Z - $SourceTag release variable does not exist, tagging source (commit e4e460f115f811719d6eca8526201ce32eadca8b) in ERROR: 2022-07-08 03:01:11Z - Unhandled exception: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Inedo.Extensions.GitHub.Credentials.GitHubSecureCredentials' to type 'Inedo.Extensions.Credentials.UsernamePasswordCredentials'. at Inedo.Extensions.Git.GitOperationExtensions.d__1.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Inedo.Extensions.Git.Operations.GeneralTagOperation.d__18.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.Executions.PlanExecuter.OtterScriptExecuter.d__50.MoveNext() INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:11Z - Task "Tag pgscan" assigned to principal "gdivis@inedo.local". INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:11Z - Execution will pause until the task has been marked as performed or the execution is canceled. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:49Z - The "Tag pgscan" task has been marked complete by "gdivis@inedo.local". INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:49Z - Repackaging Inedo.DependencyScan 1.3.1-ci.1 to 1.3.1 on ( feed)... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:50Z - Repackage was successful. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:50Z - Downloading to Inedo.DependencyScan.nupkg... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:50Z - Server responded with status code 200 - OK INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:50Z - HTTP file download completed. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:50Z - Pushing package C:\Users\builds\AppData\Local\Temp\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E236314\Inedo.DependencyScan.nupkg... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:52Z - Repackaging pgscan 1.3.1-ci.1 to 1.3.1 on ( feed)... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:52Z - Repackage was successful. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:52Z - Downloading to pgscan.nupkg... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:52Z - Server responded with status code 200 - OK INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:52Z - HTTP file download completed. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:52Z - Pushing package C:\Users\builds\AppData\Local\Temp\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E236314\pgscan.nupkg... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:53Z - Deploying pgscan-net452 artifact as zip file to working directory... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:53Z - Artifact deployed. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:53Z - Deploying pgscan-net6.0 artifact as zip file to working directory... INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:53Z - Artifact deployed. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:55Z - C:\Users\builds\AppData\Local\Temp\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E236314\ uploaded. INFO : 2022-07-08 03:01:56Z - C:\Users\builds\AppData\Local\Temp\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E236314\ uploaded.