INFO : 2022-02-08 17:44:14Z - Getting source from '' on 'master' branch... INFO : 2022-02-08 17:44:15Z - Get source complete. INFO : 2022-02-08 17:44:15Z - Variable set. INFO : 2022-02-08 17:44:15Z - Setting Version in C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E189800\src\Inedo.UPack\Inedo.UPack.csproj to 1.0.12... INFO : 2022-02-08 17:44:15Z - Setting AssemblyVersion in C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E189800\src\Inedo.UPack\Inedo.UPack.csproj to INFO : 2022-02-08 17:44:15Z - Setting FileVersion in C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E189800\src\Inedo.UPack\Inedo.UPack.csproj to INFO : 2022-02-08 17:44:15Z - Setting PackageVersion in C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E189800\src\Inedo.UPack\Inedo.UPack.csproj to 1.0.12-ci.1... ERROR: 2022-02-08 17:44:15Z - Could not determine the location of dotnet.exe on this server. To resolve this error, ensure that dotnet.exe is available on this server and retry the build, or create a server-scoped variabled named $DotNetExePath set to the location of dotnet.exe.