INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Directory C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs configured. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Directory C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs\Web configured. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Directory C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs\Service configured. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Deploying InedoSecurityLabs.Sql artifact as zip file to C:\Windows\TEMP\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E523551\... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Artifact deployed. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Configuration file version number is not specified; using latest version. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Deploying C:\Windows\TEMP\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E523551\.config\dotnet-tools.json... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Deployment complete. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:08Z - Ensuring dotnet SDK is present... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:09Z - dotnet-install: Note that the intended use of this script is for Continuous Integration (CI) scenarios, where: INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:09Z - dotnet-install: - The SDK needs to be installed without user interaction and without admin rights. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:09Z - dotnet-install: - The SDK installation doesn't need to persist across multiple CI runs. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:09Z - dotnet-install: To set up a development environment or to run apps, use installers rather than this script. Visit to get the installer. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:11Z - dotnet-install: .NET Core SDK with version '8.0.405' is already installed. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:11Z - dotnet-install: Binaries of dotnet can be found in C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\dotnet\ INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:11Z - .NET SDK installed/verified. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:12Z - Tool installed. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:12Z - Running dotnet command: inedosql INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:13Z - Stopping app pool InedoSecurityLabs... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:13Z - App pool InedoSecurityLabs state is now Stopped. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:13Z - App pool is stopped. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:13Z - Deploying InedoSecurityLabs.Web artifact to C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs\Web... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:23Z - Artifact deployed. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:23Z - Application Pool "InedoSecurityLabs" configured. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:23Z - Binding http:*:80:security.inedo.test already exists. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:23Z - Binding "http:*:80:security.inedo.test" configured. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:23Z - Site "InedoSecurityLabs" configured. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:23Z - Configuration file version number is not specified; using latest version. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:23Z - Deploying C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs\Web\appsettings.json... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Deployment complete. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Configuration file version number is not specified; using latest version. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Deploying C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs\Web\robots.txt... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Deployment complete. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Configuration file version number is not specified; using latest version. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Deploying C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs\Web\Web.config... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Deployment complete. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Starting app pool InedoSecurityLabs... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - App pool InedoSecurityLabs state is now Started. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - App pool is started. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:24Z - Stopping service InedoSecurityLabs... INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:54Z - Service is stopped. INFO : 2025-01-24 20:18:54Z - Deploying InedoSecurityLabs.Service artifact to C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs\Service... ERROR: 2025-01-24 20:18:55Z - Unhandled exception: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Websites\InedoSecurityLabs\Service\InedoSecurityLabs.Service.dll' because it is being used by another process. at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.CreateFile(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize, Nullable`1 unixCreateMode) at System.IO.Strategies.OSFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize, Nullable`1 unixCreateMode) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options) at Inedo.IO.FileEx.Open(String fileName, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess, FileShare fileShare, FileOptions fileOptions) at Inedo.Agents.OpenHostedFile.Open(String fileName, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess, FileShare fileShare) at Inedo.Agents.RemoteFileHost.OpenFileAsync(String fileName, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess, FileShare fileShare) at Inedo.Agents.AgentCommand`1.Inedo.Agents.IAgentCommandWithResponse.ExecuteAsync(Stream responseStream) at Inedo.Agents.AgentCommandDispatcher.ExecuteCommandAsync(AgentCommand command, IClientConnection connection)