INFO : 2023-12-08 22:21:42Z - Updating local repository for INFO : 2023-12-08 22:21:43Z - Exporting files to C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E398109\... INFO : 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - Setting Version in C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E398109\Inedo.Security\Inedo.Security.csproj to 0.0.0... INFO : 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - Setting Version in C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E398109\InedoSecurityLabs.Service\InedoSecurityLabs.Service.csproj to 0.0.0... INFO : 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - Setting Version in C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E398109\InedoSecurityLabs.WebApplication\InedoSecurityLabs.WebApplication.csproj to 0.0.0... INFO : 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - Setting Version in C:\ProgramData\BuildMaster\Temp\Service\_E398109\InedoSecurityLabsCoreEx\InedoSecurityLabsCoreEx.csproj to 0.0.0... ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - Could not execute because the application was not found or a compatible .NET SDK is not installed. ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - Possible reasons for this include: ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - * You intended to execute a .NET program: ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - The application 'publish' does not exist. ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - * You intended to execute a .NET SDK command: ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - It was not possible to find any installed .NET SDKs. ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - Install a .NET SDK from: ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - ERROR: 2023-12-08 22:21:44Z - dotnet did not exit successfully (exitcode=-2147450735).