INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:46Z - Acquiring server... INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:46Z - Server 'winbuildsv1' acquired. INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:46Z - Deploying nCMS artifact to nCMS... INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:54Z - Artifact deployed. INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:54Z - C:\Users\builds\AppData\Local\Temp\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E236461\nCMS\style.css saved. INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:54Z - Replacement complete. INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:54Z - C:\Users\builds\AppData\Local\Temp\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E236461\nCMS\style.css saved. INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:54Z - Replacement complete. INFO : 2022-07-08 13:27:54Z - Getting list of files in C:\Users\builds\AppData\Local\Temp\InedoAgent\BuildMaster\\Temp\_E236461\nCMS to add to artifact...