OtterScript Runtime Enhancement: allow await from async
5/18/2017 1:35:41 PM by Ben Lubar
Last pulled:
1/9/2018 1:19:36 PM
Example use case:

set @Builders = @($WindowsBuilder, $LinuxBuilder);

# Get Dependencies
with lock = !GetSourceCode
foreach server in @Builders
with async = Git
Log-Information Get dependencies that require modifying a shared resource (like Git with a shared per-server working directory);

await Git;

foreach server in @Builders
# Shared
with async = SharedDeps
Log-Information Get dependencies that all builds need;

# Windows
for role Windows
with async = WindowsDeps
Log-Information Get Windows-specific dependencies;

await SharedDeps;

# Linux
for role Linux
with async = LinuxDeps
Log-Information Get Linux-specific dependencies;

await SharedDeps;

foreach server in @Builders
# Windows (32-bit)
for role Windows
with async
await WindowsDeps;

Log-Information Build 32-bit Windows artifact;

# Linux (32-bit)
for role Linux
with async
await LinuxDeps;

Log-Information Build 32-bit Linux artifact;

# Windows (64-bit)
for role Windows
with async
await WindowsDeps;

Log-Information Build 64-bit Windows artifact;

# Linux (64-bit)
for role Linux
with async
await LinuxDeps;

Log-Information Build 64-bit Linux artifact;