Add "repack" Command
3/17/2018 10:11:37 PM by apapadimoulis
Last pulled:
5/1/2018 4:57:37 PM
This is documented in the 1.2.0 of the Universal Package, and should add the appropriate entry to the repackageHistory node repack [DisplayName("package")] [Description("Path of a valid .upack file.")] [PositionalArgument(0)] public string Package { get; set; } [DisplayName("newVersion")] [Description("Version of repackaged package.")] [PositionalArgument(1)] public string Version { get; set; } [DisplayName("newGroup")] [Description("Group of repackaged package.")] [ExtraArgument] public string Group { get; set; } [DisplayName("newName")] [Description("Name of repackaged package.")] [ExtraArgument] public string Name { get; set; } [DisplayName("targetDirectory")] [Description("Directory where the .upack file will be created. If not specified, the current working directory is used.")] [ExtraArgument] public string TargetDirectory { get; set; } [DisplayName("note")] [Description("Comment or note about the repackaging; this will be written as the 'reason'.")] [ExtraArgument] public string TargetDirectory { get; set; }