Update upack to add audit-based properties to packages
5/8/2018 3:17:33 PM by jrasch
closed on 12/14/2018 11:13:53 AM
Last pulled:
8/10/2018 12:16:09 PM
upack.exe should include the JSON properties listed under "Additional Audit-based Properties (Optional)" documented here: https://inedo.com/support/documentation/various/universal-packages/universal-feeds-package-ref/package-format#repackage
- anytime a package is created with the `pack` or `repack` command, these properties should be added to the manifest unless a new argument `--no-audit` is supplied
- add optional `--note` argument that populates the `createdReason` (not `creatednReason` as doc'd obviously, we'll fix the docs)